体育资讯6月12日报道宣称 赫尔利拒绝了湖人6年7000万美元合同报价,选择留守康涅狄格大学。 对此,前NBA球员肯扬-马丁在阿里纳斯的节目《Gil's Arena》中表示:““那个人做出了正确的决定。那笔钱没有任何意义。” “一切都不是因为钱。不管钱是多少,对他来说,重要的是他不能离开他舒适的地方。我认为那个刚刚得到工作邀约的人,他应该TMD待在原地,就像他做的那样,因为这份工作(说是五年)其实只有两年的时间。如果他接受了,他就是个傻子。对大多数人来说,这不是钱的问题,而是TMD黑人的问题。” 原文:That man made the right decision. That money didn't mean anything. Everything ain't about money. Whatever the money was, it wasn't that important to him, to leave his situation where he’s comfortable… I think that man was offered the job just now, he should stay wherever the f**k he is, like he did. Because this job is a two-year gig right now. He'll be a fool to take it. For most people, it ain't about the money dawg. That's black people sh*t. |
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